Logo: All text and images on this site are copyright 2009 © of Rosey Durrant.


Dog Games - Toys and 'Perfect Fit' Harness.

Anne Kew's Border Collies. Denmark.

Bev Barker's Photographs.UK

Ann Eiserman's Border Collies. Belgium.

Jenny Hall's Border collies

Nobite Border Collies. UK

UK Border Collie & Sheep Dog Rescue.

Karen Gaylard's Border Collies. UK

Chel Townsend's Border Collies. UK

Delanor Border Collies. UK

Anadune. Fantastic site with pedigrees and genetic information (probability of CEA, CL and colours carried) of 80,000+ Border Collies.

Landywoods: Stockists for 'Natural Choice'. Wholebake biscuit.

An excellent introduction into 'What make's your dog tick'.

My Hypnotherapy site: What I actually do for a living!

Chris Parkin's photography.

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